We have also been having a very difficult time with breastfeeding. I have been having severe pain while breastfeeding, despite the fact that Jonah has a very strong latch and no trouble with interest. We saw a lactation consultant who thought Jonah had a posterior tongue-tie that was affecting his ability to suck correctly and explained the pain. She referred us to a doctor who we did end up seeing this week. She performed a procedure to clip his tongue tie. Dan and I are feeling ambivalent about the decision to get the procedure and we can't really tell yet if it worked or not. By the end of the visit, we did not feel like we trusted the doctor, and we won't go back to her again. Now we are trying to make a decision about sticking it out with breastfeeding (which is still incredibly painful most of the time) or switch to formula feeding. Meanwhile I am spending all day either sleeping, eating, attached to a breast pump, attached to a breastfeeding baby, or doing my PT exercises. Please pray that god would give us wisdom about making feeding choices for Jonah, and that we would trust Him to provide and not live in guilt whatever we do.
We are calling Jonah our little eaglet because many of his cries sound like baby eagle screeches :)