Saturday, November 20, 2010

iPad for Sale!

Us at Cloud Gate or more commonly called "The Bean" at Millenium Park, Chicago.

We are going to Dallas and Longview for Thanksgiving. We are also going to be coming to Texas for 3-4 weeks over December and January to save and earn money by staying with and working for our parents. We are thankful for them.

Also, if you or your friends or family are thinking about buying an iPad for someone for Christmas, come talk to me about it. I have two brand new, sealed 16 GB wifi iPads that I'm trying to sell for $50 off what you would pay at the Apple Store ($499 + $40 tax = $539 in store. I am selling for $489.) Apple care warranty is included for one year. Keep your ears open :)

Last night Dan asked me to make cookies for him, and I pulled out eggs from the fridge that had a sell-by date of July 27. I found out you can substitute corn starch and water for eggs!

Love yall,

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