Just received my Aveeno Nourish bzzkit which included everything in the photo above: notice my FULL SIZE shampoo and conditioner for me to use?? Awesome! I also hand out the samples and coupons and spread "bzz" about the product ("bzz" is my honest opinion about it). So far I really like both products. It is supposed to repair damage to your hair using wheat complex after only 3 uses. My third use will be tomorrow, so we'll see!
Also recently I have gotten some other great freebies: $25 preloaded mastercard from MyCokeRewards Instant Txt and Win Game, Free advanced screening tickets to Zombieland (saw it last night - very funny!), 2 free $10 giftcards to the Galleria Mall (Dan and I treated ourselves to Cheesecake factory), and a free after rebate bottle of the a new palmolive dish soap. Also I'm finishing up a month long beta test of a shopping website and will receive a total of $70 at amazon.com for participating. Last but not least, The Black Eye Tour added one last show - in Saint Louis! So we will get our free tickets to see Derek Webb and Sandra Mac on October 27 at blueberry hill. I will have to leave my night class a little early to attend, but hoping Tasha will not mind.
2. Here are some late california trip pics:
Eating the first night in San Francisco at Mel's Diner
We found you out Crule: Miley Stewart:Clint Rule as Hannah Montana:George Lucas. Moving to Rochester for an "internship" mhmmmm....
Dan and I before going to see "Wicked." Wicked was originally staged in San Fran before it went to broadway. It was a great cast - excellent Elpheba. Dan loved it too. Notice my green scarf, green purse and red shoes I wore for the occassion. AND notice my awesome headpiece I won from Charissa at mudpiemagnolia.blogspot.com!